We can develop a customized solution to the particular challenge you are facing, as well as your timing and budget. However, here are some common options to consider.

where to start ?

Brand Audit

Step back and take a broad look at your brand. Identify your base business’ core opportunities and what are the recommended interventions moving forward. We will help you develop and execute plans to address these in order to unlock your brand & business growth.

Equity, Branding, Packaging & In-store Design.

Review of your launch plans to identify key opportunities. Raise the bar on strategy and execution. From Insights, Concept, Packaging, Communication, In-store design, all the way to Claims. Let us help make your plans sharper for a more successful launch.

Innovation Clinic

Enroll your Brand teams on the key principles that drive business growth via Great Branding, Great Packaging, Great Visuals or Great In-store. We have a training module for each.  

Once aware & engaged, action to start the journey to get there will be triggered via short 1-to-2hr clinics with the different brand teams to dive into each brands context and recommend appropriate strategic interventions.

Training + mini clinics

When done successfully, two of the elements that are proven to have a significant impact on brand sales and are highly cost effective vs. other marketing levers are Packaging and In-store materials. Let us help you kick start and direct these efforts with high quality design agencies to take your brand from good to exceptional and begin to win harder in the store.

In-store overhaul

Additional thought starters

Have you already identified a burning business or brand challenge we can help address & solve?

Otherwise, below are a set of additional questions I recommend you go through as a self assessment of where your brand or organization stands. It should help identify what are the most critical issues we can help you tackle. Do you have answers to all these questions? Are there questions you haven’t thought about yet? What opportunities or gaps can you identify?

As we engage in your challenges, we will be going through most of these questions and many more specific to your situation.

(For best viewing we recommend reading the below questions in a computer or tablet screen. If on mobile, rotate into landscape mode)